A School For the 21st Century

Arete Academy is a learner-driven, mastery-based private school serving learners ages 5-18 and their families. We are part of the Apogee Strong network- a network of educators who place high value on education, character development, and holistic health. We believe it is the most nurturing, passion-driven environment in the world, and we are thrilled to share it with intentional families in our community. Check out one of our 3 locations throughout Hampton Roads!


The pursuit of excellence and virtue

In Ancient Greek, Arete signifies striving for one's highest potential, a principal we hold dear in nurturing each learner's unique journey. This name encapsulates our dedication to cultivating critical thinking, exceptional character, and a passion for lifelong learning.

Full-Time, Part-Time, and Online Enrollment Options Available

Self-Directed Learning

Self-directed learning empowers young people to take ownership of their education, fostering intrinsic motivation and a lifelong love for learning. By pursuing their own interests and setting their own goals, young people develop critical thinking, problem-solving, and time management skills.

Mixed-Age Studios

Mixed age studios create a diverse learning environment where students of different ages and abilities collaborate, fostering a sense of community and developing leadership. Younger learners benefit from observing and emulating older peers, while older learners reinforce their knowledge by guiding and mentoring younger learners, leading to an authentic feeling of purpose.

Holistic Health

At Arete Academy, we have created an environment that supports the physical, emotional, social, and mental well- being of each learner. We believe physical well-being is a precursor to mental well-being, and vice versa, so we have partnered with Physiology First to bring the latest research in holistic health to our learners.


We believe unstructured play is an essential part of childhood that supports a learner's cognitive, social, and emotional growth. It's through unstructured play that young people learn to negotiate, cooperate, resolve conflicts, take risks, overcome adversity, and develop resiliency- all essential to their development. Time for unstructured play is built into every day.

Lower Studios

(Ages 5-12)

Our Lower Studio is designed to foster a love for learning while mastering academics. Using our online guidance system, our students set daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly goals in reading, writing, math, fitness, and passion projects. All are self-paced and mastery-based, using adaptive technology and traditional Montessori materials and methods, with academic coaches available to support your child in accomplishing their goals. Plenty of time for unstructured play binds the community and motivates students to accomplish their goals. 

Upper Studios

(Ages 12-18)

Our Upper Studio students design their academic plans, learn from leaders in the community, and enjoy a higher level of freedom as they learn to navigate the world and their place in it. Upper school learners can remain on campus, work, or attend dual enrollment classes during the day. Students can also join the Apogee Strong Leadership Development program, a one-year program designed to equip your teen to become confident, resilient adults who lead with purpose.



“It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to

have tried to succeed.”

–Theodore Roosevelt-